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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Storm Damage Blog Posts

Everything You Need to Know About Flood Damage

3/22/2023 (Permalink)


If there's any good news about flood damage, most people know it could and probably will occur in advance. While flash floods and other water damage from leaks and burst pipes are often unpredictable, flood damage from storms is almost easy to predict.

Storm surge, torrential rain, and rising water levels cause massive water damage for those who live along the coast or in other low-lying areas. Flood damage is terrible in every instance, but the good news is many homeowners and business owners have enough time to adequately prepare their home and/or business for the impending water damage as best they can.

When a storm ends, and it's safe to return home or to work, many people are shocked to see how much water in the home or water in the business they find. It seems impossible water levels can rise so high, but it's entirely possible. When floodwater causes the water in a home or water in an office to damage things, it's devastating. Before anyone decides to handle this situation, they must learn how to properly handle this kind of water damage.

Do Not Go Back Without Permission

Anyone who evacuated would like to know how much water is in the property or the kind of water they're dealing with; never return to the property without being notified first that it's safe to return. Flood damage is hazardous, and it's easy to forget it's so much more than just water on the road or in a home. Water in a home is dangerous, water in a business is dangerous, and water is dangerous. Wait for the green light when proper authorities give it. No one ever knows if a power line is down, active, and just waiting in the water to electrocute the next person who walks through.

Beware of the Many Dangers

Before anyone enters a home or office with water damage to begin the water cleanup process, they must know how much danger potentially awaits. The water cleanup process should begin as quickly as possible to prevent more damage from occurring, but it cannot be done until people check for proper dangers. The first is live electricity. Don't assume just because the power is out in a specific neighborhood or city; there's nothing to worry about. The power could come back on at any given moment, which means it could cause serious bodily harm to anyone working out of their home or office. Turn off all electricity before entering any building with standing water.

The second danger is what might be waiting for people in the water. There could be alligators, snakes, dangerous water creatures, or even bacteria or other harmful stuff. Always let the local authorities do a neighborhood sweep before beginning the water cleanup and drying process.

Call the Pros

Finally, anyone can do the most crucial thing when water damage occurs and call a professional restoration and mitigation company to handle the drying process. Restoration companies have powerful equipment designed to allow adequate drying to occur in minimal time. Professional mitigation and restoration are imperative because any missed moisture leads to much larger problems.

It's not uncommon for people to want to begin the water cleanup and drying process independently. Still, it's the help of a professional restoration and mitigation company that provides the best possible results. Restoration is designed to clear out all the water in places others might not realize it's hiding. The more prolonged moisture sits in a home or business, the more dangerous it becomes. It can cause mold to form; it can cause further damage to furniture, flooring, and even walls. Call for professional restoration and mitigation rather than handling the drying process without a pro's help to remove water in a business or home. For additional information, contact SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth, Edgecliff Village.

How to Find the Source of a Leaky Roof

3/22/2023 (Permalink)


After a significant storm, it's a good idea to inspect your damaged property as quickly as you can. Your home's main line of defense is your roof, and it takes a beating. Pay attention to dings in your gutters or tears in your window screens, which indicate hail damage. You may also see missing shingle tiles from the ground, but those don't always represent a need for whole roof replacement. Usually, the leak is coming from a more minor roof feature.

At SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth/Edgecliff Village, we:

  • Find the source of the leak
  • Stop the leak &
  • Clean the water damage.

Find the Leak

During storms in Florida, wind damage can let rain in through your roof. From the inside, look for water stains on your ceiling and walls that indicate the leak.

Common places to see leaky roof damage:

  1. Vents and fans
  2. Chimneys
  3. Window dormers
  4. Vent pipes
  5. Unsecured nails and nail holes

Dealing with Water Damage

  1. Check for discolorations and rotting wood, wet drywall, and insulation.
  2. If you haven't found mold, start drying any wet materials immediately. Complete drying is critical to preventing mold, and it may take longer than you realize. 
  3. If you find mold, remain careful to not spread it during cleanup. Mold grows on wet, damaged materials in as little as 48 hours. A mold remediation professional creates a containment area while working on the water and mold damage. Specialists have monitoring equipment that they use to ensure materials are dry.
  4. For more assistance, call a local construction, restoration, and mold remediation crew like SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth/Edgecliff Village at (682) 708-1004.

Protection from Wind Damage

3/22/2023 (Permalink)


Many areas of the United States have experienced heavy winds and storms this season, and the strong, powerful winds can cause significant damage to your home. Wind damage can cause a range of destruction to your property, from broken windows and fallen tree branches to severe damage to the roof, garage, or car. It can happen from the strong wind or indirectly from the wind blowing debris into your house.

Wind Damage from Different Types of Storms

Thunderstorms are the most common source of wind and storm damage, but winds from hurricanes or tornadoes are stronger and can cause severe damage. It can produce many types of bad weather such as lightning, hail, tornadoes, straight-line winds, flooding, etc. Thunderstorms are responsible for wind damage cases in the U.S. However, storm damage repair may be costly for hurricane or tornado wind damage. Billions of dollars are spent on wind damage repair and storm damage restoration each year; understanding the nature of wind damage can help you limit the amount of damage to your property and save on restoration and repair costs.

It's important to know when a storm is approaching your area and what type of storm it is so you know the potential and level of damage to expect. These wind damage facts will help you better understand the potential for wind damage and how to prevent it. Here are some steps you can take to minimize the risk of damage to your home when severe weather strikes.

Preventing Wind and Storm Damage

Most wind damage starts by flying debris either from plants or other structures unsecured. If a storm is approaching your area, make sure any potential debris in your homes, such as patio furniture, toys, garbage cans, and other objects, are either secured or brought inside. Secure your doors and windows to help minimize the potential storm damage to the home.

Roof damage reduces during the construction phase when the roof deck, shingles, or membrane is applied over the decking. A well-designed roofing system will anchor the trusses and decking to the walls and foundation to keep the entire roof from lifting off the building in a strong wind. Roofing material should latch to the deck.

Loosely connected shingles will lift from the deck. Siding damage reduces at the construction phase. Fastened siding isn't as likely to lift off a structure in strong wind. Building codes will likely direct the minimum standards for connections. You, your architect, or your contractor may decide to exceed these minimums for a stronger storm-resistant structure.

Falling trees and tree limbs are another significant type of damage to structures in a windstorm. Tree maintenance to remove dead limbs or identify and remove weakened trees will reduce the likelihood of structural damage. Mitigating damage after a storm closes any openings made in the structure by the wind. Roof openings and broken windows are the most common problem.

Keep a roll of plastic sheeting that cuts to size and nails over the opening. Your insurance policy will likely cover the cost of an emergency close-up. Contact your agent or claims center to report the damage and seek advice on how to proceed. Falling trees and tree limbs can open a structure with sudden violence. A tree on a structure is a serious personal and structural safety issue.

Trees, at times, won't shift positions. It can shift and cause serious injury to the unwary. Fallen trees may mask severe other safety issues, such as downed electrical wires. The wires may still be alive, and the tree itself energized. Contact your agent or claims center to report the damage and seek advice on how to proceed.

Suppose your home or business sustains wind damage during a storm. In that case, it is important to contact a storm damage restoration professional as soon as it is over to help limit and repair the damage. SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth, Edgecliff Village can respond immediately to storm and flooding conditions. Our quick response will help prevent secondary damage and help reduce restoration costs.

Storm Aftermath: What Next?

1/15/2022 (Permalink)

storm disaster icon, cloud with lightning bolt After the storm passes, call SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth, Edgecliff Village for clean-up, restoration, and construction.

Dealing with repairs and insurance companies after severe weather hits your property can be difficult. Homeowners can use the following tips to help tackle the storm damage caused by hard rains, flooding, or storm-related issues.

Safety First

If you and your family were away from home when the storm hit, do not return until it has been confirmed safe. Contact a storm damage expert like SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth, Edgecliff Village; we'll help you determine if your home is safe to return to.


You will need to contact your homeowners' insurance adjuster as soon as possible. If your neighborhood has sustained widespread damage, find out if any special teams of insurance agents, relief workers, or contractors are coming to the area. Check your policy to determine what actions you need to take or talk to your agent to make sure you are following the proper procedures. Not following these actions correctly could result in a reduced claim. Inspect your property and make a list of all damages; take photographs of all noted damage if at all possible.

Recording And Documenting

Document your neighbor's damages, as well; this can prevent the insurance provider from downgrading your claim by saying the damage is from your neglect of maintenance or other unrelated issues by giving them away to compare. Keep a record of all the communication you have with your insurance provider and don't do any unnecessary repair work yourself. Hire a trusted storm damage restoration service provider such as SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth, Edgecliff Village to handle any repairs.

Be Scam Free

Always check the adjuster's identification. If you are evacuated, ask for money from your claim upfront. If they agree, you will be given a check for an amount deducted from your final settlement. Some providers will automatically offer a partial payment early on during the process. Review it carefully and decline it if you feel uncomfortable with any part of it. Never be afraid to ask questions and to expect an answer that makes sense or seems fair. 

Dealing with a storm's aftermath is stressful, but reacting quickly and effectively will prevent problems down the road.

SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth, Edgecliff Village is ready to help 24/7. Call us for your fire or water damage issues at (682) 708-1004.

3 Ways FEMA Can Save the Day

1/15/2022 (Permalink)

While individuals struggle to pick up the pieces after recent natural disasters, those unaffected might wonder how communities recover from these crises. Although a thunderstorm might not sweep across a neighborhood with the force that could flatten buildings, an average storm can bring a significant amount of flooding. Below are three ways the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) can help during such difficult times.

1. Financial Support

FEMA steps in when a natural disaster takes over. After a governor confirms a state of emergency, FEMA formulates a method to respond to the crisis effectively. The organization can also work with the states to form funding before an expected storm.

2. Organization

When a flood strikes, it can seem as if a catastrophe has suddenly affected life in general. Since FEMA works at the state level, victims may check whether their specific area can receive support. Through a straightforward system, they may then apply for disaster assistance. Even if you have insurance, connecting with all programs before moving forward might be a wise step.

3. Promptness Matters

Despite the differences in each situation, FEMA can respond to disasters that prioritize victims first. When you register, an inspector specializing in disasters generally visits within a week. From there, the agency can work with homeowners to determine the right assistance plan. To ensure speedy support, victims may also need to work with the agency to specify damages.

No matter the extent of the damage, discovering that your home has become the setting for a flood can be shocking, challenging, and stressful. However, this is the point at which FEMA can step in to help you get your space – and subsequently, your life – back on track.

Storm Damage Restoration 

Once the storm has passed and those affected start to rebuild, SERVPRO of South Central Ft. Worth/Edgecliff Village is here to help make it “Like it never even happened.” Our team of highly trained restoration specialists is trained in storm and water damage restoration. We can respond to emergency situations 24/7 and work with your insurance company to take added stress off of you. Call us anytime at (682) 708-1004.

Roof Storm Damage in Texas

1/10/2022 (Permalink)

Flooding Damage in Fort Worth from Storm Damage

When a storm comes into the Fort Worth area, damage to your roof is relatively standard. Once a hole in your roof gets large enough, extensive flood damage can result. During a rainstorm, many elements such as wind or even hail can arise that can ruin your roof shingles. Wind can blow rocks or other objects into your home and create holes in your roof or exterior walls that rainwater can enter. Once the water starts entering the interior of your home, flood damage can occur from the top of your house to the bottom.

Call the Pros 

As soon as moisture enters your home from the outside, multiple issues can quickly arise. The best thing to do is immediately call in a professional restoration company such as SERVPRO to mitigate the flood damage inside your home. Water coming from the outside is considered black water and may be contaminated with harmful bacteria. Rainwater can also bring microbes from the outside, increasing the chance of microbial growth; no one wants molds growing in their attics.

Remove the Water

In many cases, the first place that retains moisture after your roof leaks in your attic. Elevated moisture levels inside your attic can ruin building materials if the area does not get dried out promptly. If the insulation inside the attic gets wet, the moisture can decrease the R-value of the material. Some types of insulation can get dry when wet, whereas others will need removal.

Dry, Dry, Dry

After removing wet insulation, our SERVPRO team can then dry out the wet ceiling materials and roof trusses. To do this, we often create a containment chamber to control the environment in the affected area better and prevent harmful particles from entering the rest of the house. We then set up heated air movers to create a circular air movement inside the area. In addition to the air movers, we also set up dehumidifiers that remove moisture from the air. Once building materials are dry, we treat the attic with anti-microbial chemicals and sometimes spray the trusses with a specialized sealant paint to inhibit fungal growth. 

If you ever have a problem inside your attic after a storm, call SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth, Edgecliff Village at (817) 293-5553

Storm Damage vs Flood Damage

1/10/2022 (Permalink)

Property owners in Fort Worth, Texas, may have a hard time differentiating storm damage from flood damage. Commercial properties can sustain water damage from either source. There're a few significant differences to keep in mind that may help you manage these risks.

The most general distinction is that stormwater comes from above, whereas flood water overspills natural bodies or watercourses and covers at least two acres of ordinarily dry land.

Storm damage to a commercial property may originate from a variety of causes such as:

  • High winds
  • Heavy rain
  • Hurricanes
  • Snow
  • Tornadoes

Most business insurance plans protect from storm damage. Property owners need additional coverage to offset the expenses of flood damage. If your property is located on a flood plain, you should make sure you carry the policies necessary to protect your investment.

Flooding occurs when water overflows a body of water or watercourse such as:

  • Creeks
  • Dams
  • Lakes
  • Storm-water channels

For water to be considered a flood, it must cover two acres and affect at least two properties. If a commercial property is located in a high-risk zone, and the owner has a mortgage from an insured and federally-regulated lender, they must maintain flood insurance. Damage resulting from either flooding or storms can cause severe problems and should be planned for, prevented, and handled as soon as possible. Regardless of a moisture source, the risk of mold and other secondary damage within a building can be just as severe.

Restoring Damage From Storms and Floods

Restoration specialists can help property owners determine the precise causes of damage and the best solutions. If a property in Fort Worth, Texas, experiences flood damage or sustains damage during a storm, contact SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth, Edgecliff Village at (682) 708-1004 as soon as possible.