Recent Water Damage Posts

Glossary of Water Damage Restoration Terminology

6/17/2024 (Permalink)

Navigating the world of water damage restoration can be overwhelming, especially when faced with a plethora of technical terms and jargon. Understanding the terminology used in the field is essential for homeowners, restoration professionals, and insurance adjusters alike. In this blog, we've compiled a glossary of common water damage restoration terminology to help demystify the process and empower individuals to make informed decisions.

Water Damage & Mitigation

Water damage refers to any damage caused by water intrusion, such as flooding, leaks, or burst pipes. It can affect various materials and surfaces in a home, leading to structural damage, mold growth, and other issues.

Mitigation involves taking immediate action to minimize the impact of water damage and prevent further harm. This may include water extraction, drying, and implementing measures to protect against secondary damage.

Extraction & Drying

Extraction is the process of removing water from a property using specialized equipment such as pumps, extractors, and wet vacuums. Proper extraction is essential for preventing water damage from spreading and promoting drying.

Drying involves removing moisture from affected materials and surfaces to restore them to their preloss condition. This may include using air movers, dehumidifiers, and other drying equipment to facilitate the evaporation of moisture.

Dehumidification & Structural drying

Dehumidification is the process of reducing humidity levels in the air to prevent moisture-related issues such as mold growth and structural damage. Dehumidifiers remove excess moisture from the air, creating a drier environment for effective drying.

Structural drying focuses on removing moisture from building materials such as drywall, wood, and concrete. Proper structural drying is essential for preventing structural damage and mold growth in water-damaged properties.

Mold Remediation & Content restoration

Mold remediation involves the removal and cleanup of mold growth in water-damaged properties. This may include containment, removal of contaminated materials, and cleaning and disinfection to prevent mold recurrence.

Content restoration refers to the process of cleaning and restoring personal belongings and furnishings affected by water damage. This may include furniture, clothing, electronics, and sentimental items.

Salvageable & Non-salvageable

Salvageable items are those that can be cleaned, restored, and returned to their preloss condition after water damage. Restoration professionals assess the salvageability of items based on factors such as the extent of damage and material composition.

Non-salvageable items are those that cannot be restored or cleaned effectively after water damage. These items may be too severely damaged or contaminated to salvage and may need to be disposed of properly.

Understanding water damage restoration terminology is essential for effectively communicating and navigating the restoration process. Whether you're a homeowner dealing with water damage, a restoration professional providing services, or an insurance adjuster assessing claims, familiarity with these terms empowers you to make informed decisions and achieve successful restoration outcomes. By familiarizing yourself with this glossary, you can navigate the complexities of water damage restoration with confidence and clarity.

Keeping Your Home Dry: Tips to Prevent Exterior Water Damage

6/16/2024 (Permalink)

2 employees in a warehouse. Protecting your home from exterior water damage requires proactive maintenance and preventive measures.

Exterior water damage can cause structural issues, mold growth, and expensive repairs. Protecting your property from water leaks is essential for maintaining the integrity and value of your home. In this blog post, we'll explore practical tips to help you protect your home against exterior water damage and keep it dry and secure.

Inspect and Maintain Your Roof

Your roof is your home's first line of defense against the elements, so it's crucial to keep it in good condition. Regularly inspect your roof for missing or damaged shingles, cracks, and signs of wear and tear. Replace any damaged or deteriorated roofing materials promptly to prevent water leaks and infiltration.

Clean and Maintain Gutters and Downspouts

Clogged gutters and downspouts can lead to water overflow and cause damage to your home's exterior walls, foundation, and landscaping. Clean your gutters regularly to remove leaves, debris, and other obstructions that could impede water flow. Ensure that downspouts are directed away from your home's foundation to prevent water from pooling around the perimeter.

Seal and Waterproof Exterior Surfaces

Sealing and waterproofing exterior surfaces such as walls, windows, doors, and decks can provide an additional layer of protection against water intrusion. Use quality sealants and waterproofing products to fill cracks, gaps, and joints and create a barrier against moisture penetration. Pay particular attention to areas prone to water damage, such as around windows and doors, and seal them properly to prevent leaks.

Maintain Landscaping and Grading

Proper landscaping and grading can help direct water away from your home's foundation and prevent water pooling around the perimeter. Ensure that the ground slopes away from your home to encourage water runoff and prevent water from collecting near the foundation. Trim trees and shrubs away from the house to prevent them from touching the exterior walls and causing moisture buildup.

Install Proper Drainage Systems

Installing drainage systems such as French drains, swales, and catch basins can help channel excess water away from your home and prevent flooding and water damage. Consider consulting with a professional landscaper or drainage specialist to assess your property's drainage needs and determine the best solution for managing water runoff effectively.

Protecting your home from exterior water damage requires proactive maintenance and preventive measures. By inspecting and maintaining your roof, cleaning gutters and downspouts, sealing and waterproofing exterior surfaces, maintaining landscaping and grading, and installing proper drainage systems, you can significantly reduce the risk of water intrusion and keep your home dry and secure for years to come. Remember to stay vigilant and address any signs of water damage immediately to prevent expensive repairs and ensure the long-term health and integrity of your home.

Prevent Water Damage While on Vacation

3/22/2023 (Permalink)

7 Steps to Preventing Water Damage

According to a study done by the Insurance Institute, homeowners' highest insurance claims are water damage. Leaky pipes and, in often cases, appliances cause millions of dollars of damage in freezing weather and storms. While you're on vacation, it's no surprise that a leaky pipe can burst and cause hundreds of dollars of repairs.

Step 1. Check for Leaks Before Going on Vacation

Check pipes under your sinks and the water heater for any rust, cracks, or damage. You should check the seals by your windows to make sure there are no cracks that might cause water damage. Additionally, check the exterior of your house and see what condition your roof shingles are in. If any show damage, getting them replaced before leaving for vacation is a good idea.

Step 2. Inspect Your Major Appliances

You must inspect the hoses connected to essential appliances in your home, such as dishwashers, washers/dryers, and refrigerators. If there's any damage, you should get the hose replaced before you leave to prevent extensive water damage.

Step 3. Clear Out Your Gutters

Make sure to get any debris out of your rain gutters before leaving for vacation. This way, you won't have any blockages that can cause damage while you're away.

Step 4. Inspect Your Sump Pump

Make sure it is in good condition and clear any debris from clogging the pit. Run a few tests, listen to the sounds it makes, and make sure that the pump's water is going outside. Install a battery-powered backup in case there is a power outage while you're away.

Step 5. Insulate Exposed Pipes

If you plan on being away from your home during the winter, it can be a good idea to insulate any exposed pipes. This will prevent them from freezing while you are away.

Step 6. Get Someone to Check on Your Home

Call a friend or hire a professional house sitter to check on your home every week while you are gone. Instruct them to ensure that the heat is always on if your vacation is during the winter. Also, show them where the water main is in case of an emergency.

Step 7. Turn Off the Water

Lastly, if you cannot find someone to check on your home, you should turn off the water main. Drain the pipes so that they do not freeze or burst during the colder months. To do this, run the water and flush your toilet after you turn off the water. Open the cabinets under your sink to let the warm air surround the pipes. 

If you experience water damage while you are away from your home, contact SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth, Edgecliff Village as soon as possible.

Preventing Flood Damage: 3 Steps

3/22/2023 (Permalink)


According to the National Flood Insurance Program, flooding is the most common natural disaster in the United States, causing $2.7 billion in losses between 2001 and 2010. Most homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover flooding, so it may be necessary to buy a separate flood policy for your home.

Three Key Steps

Here are a couple of tips to keep water from entering your home during a heavy rain event:

  1. Fix foundation leaks that may allow water to enter your home.
  2. Make sure your roof is secure and protected.
  3. Clear gutters and drains.

If water ever floods your home, getting someone on-site as soon as possible is key to keeping the amount of damage to a minimum. 

SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth, Edgecliff Village is ready to respond at any time and also provides a free assessment!

3 Step Plan for a Flooded Furnace

1/11/2022 (Permalink)

A small amount of water from a broken pipe can flood a functional basement and result in a water damage nightmare, especially if the water permeates your furnace. SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth, Edgecliff Village identified three steps to help keep you stress-free and organized when dealing with a flooded furnace. Following these steps will make the claims process run smoothly and help your business or home get up and running again.

Document the Damage

The furnace can be the most costly loss in a flood, other damaged property also needs to be considered when documenting damage for insurance. Use the following process to record losses and assign values in a notebook or spreadsheet.

  • Photograph the damage.
  • Write down the serial number or another unique identifier if available.
  • Assign a value.

Don’t forget to include items that may have little to no monetary value but are still of high value to your business, like important documents. Search professional recovery services within the area to save irreplaceable items such as documents or photographs.

Investigate Coverage and Decide to Repair or Replace

A burst pipe resulting in a flooded furnace is an insurable event, so be sure to check with your provider that you are covered. If a natural disaster occurred, contact the Federal Emergency Management Agency to inquire if government aid is available. FEMA offers financing options to those who qualify for HVAC and furnace replacement costs.

According to the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute, flooded furnaces should be replaced rather than repaired. For a professional opinion, contact a qualified heating and cooling contractor to inspect the damage. They may advise that the furnace will be operational after a total dry-out and minor electrical repair. However, the life of the unit reduces. You likely don’t want to choose repair over replacement and have a related problem surface a couple of years later, long after the claim closes.

Take Care of the Air Ducts

The air quality from a furnace is often only as good as the ducts it travels through. Call SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth, Edgecliff Village at (682) 708-1004 to schedule a professional air duct cleaning to ensure ducts are clean, dry, and free of mold and debris.

Tasks associated with a furnace flood are something nobody wants on their to-do list. Take this systematic approach to efficiently ensure the return of a safe and comfortable environment in your commercial or residential property in Fort Worth, TX, for years to come. To ease your mind even further, SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth, Edgecliff Village specializes in cleaning, restoration, and construction. Whether big or small, we can make your disaster feel, "Like it never even happened." On top of that, we are local and ready to respond immediately when you need us. We proudly serve Fort Worth, TX, and surrounding areas.

Understanding the Types of Water that Lead to Water Damage

1/11/2022 (Permalink)

Water damage comes in many forms. It can occur quickly or slowly; it can be a quick fix or a significant, time-consuming property issue. When your property has water damage, SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth/ Edgecliff Village wants to help you!

Being educated about water damage types can help give you peace of mind and help you attack the issues quickly and efficiently. There are three general categories of water damage.

1. Clean Water

This water is clean and comes from an uncontaminated source. If this occurs, know that it is not dangerous if consumed by pets or people. This type of water damage may occur if an incoming water line bursts, you have a bathroom flood due to an overflowing sink or tub, or have a small leak from an internal water pipe. SERVPRO can help extract the water and dry surfaces out for you. It's essential to have this done by an expert, as any remaining wet areas can bring on further issues such as mold, fungus, or rotting materials.

2. Grey Water

Grey Water comes from a source with some contaminants in it. If a leak or puddle of "Clean Water" is left for too long, this can turn into Grey Water. Other sources include sump pump failures, overflowing washing machines, and even some sewage pipes. This water type may cause people and animals to become sick if their exposure is high or consumed. SERVPRO recommends calling them to handle the water professionally.

3. Black Water

Black Water is the most hazardous type of water damage that can occur. This water is too contaminated and likely comes from a natural disaster or sewage plumbing. This water may sometimes look clean but can contain microbes that can cause health effects. When it comes to home flooding emergencies, Black Water floods can be the most destructive. This is due to the water's unsanitary conditions, causing bacteria, chemicals, and toxins to absorb into the porous items in your home. Carpets, upholstery, and drywall are often destroyed in this unsalvageable disaster.

Clean and Grey Water has the potential to even turn to Black Water if left standing or unattended. Please call SERVPRO to help remove water and disinfect your home immediately if this affects your home, and avoid exposing you and your household as it can cause illness. Our team of professionals can help in any circumstances needed!

As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth/ Edgecliff Village is close by and ready to respond to your flood or water damage emergency. We proudly serve Fort Worth, TX, and surrounding areas.

4 Easy Tips to Prevent Water Damage

1/11/2022 (Permalink)

Water damage is one of the most costly disasters your home or business can experience. The Insurance Information Institute estimates that billions are spent on water damage each year. View these suggestions from SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth/ Edgecliff Village for preventing water damage

1. Be careful where you plant.

Some plants and trees, like weeping willows, have pretty invasive roots. If you’re not careful, they’ll grow right into your sprinkler system, drainage field, pipes, and septic tanks. Plan before you plant to keep roots away from any water lines.

2. Clean out roof gutters.

On a rainy day, a clogged gutter can send water spilling into your home’s foundation, through the roof, or down to your basement. That could cause some severe water damage So next time you’re doing some seasonal cleaning, make sure those gutters are clean. If your gutters are too high, be safe, and get a professional to check them.

3. Use a drain snake instead of unclogging chemicals.

Most folks don’t realize these chemicals are eating away at their pipes (and they might not be too good for you either). If you rely on them a lot, you could be setting yourself up for leaks. That’s why owning a drain snake is an excellent solution to clear away clogs. They’re pretty inexpensive, you can get them at your local hardware store, and they can cut through most any clog you’ll have without damaging pipes or making your eyes red and teary.

4. Never pour grease down your sink.

It doesn’t matter if you flush it with hot or cold water; grease can still cling to your pipes and could even cause some severe damage and blockage. The safest thing to do is pour your grease into an empty can and either let it sit or put it in the refrigerator. Once it hardens, you can toss it in the trash and get rid of it. Done and done. However, we know that water and flooding emergencies can happen any time, so we’re ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – including holidays. Contact us at (682) 708-1004.

Common Signs of a Shower Leak

1/11/2022 (Permalink)

A shower or bathtub leak can lead to structural issues in your Texas home's walls, flooring, and ceiling. Some shower leaks are hard to catch early on. If you know the common signs of trouble, you may be able to start investigating the source of water before the leak causes too much damage.

Water Damage

When water pools where it isn't supposed to, it can cause building materials to start breaking down. Common signs of water damage around a shower include the following:

  • The stained ceiling below the second-floor bathroom
  • Damaged flooring in bathroom
  • Stained spots on walls adjacent to the shower
  • Cracked grout in tiled showers

Mold and mildew growth could be another sign that moisture is building up inappropriately in your bathroom. If you notice any of these signs of water damage, you may want to call in some residential restoration specialists to help you fix your space.

Obvious Drips

A continually dripping faucet or showerhead is a visible sign of a leak. However, in some cases, homeowners may not be able to hear the leak. Leaky pipes can be located in the walls around your shower. Gaskets and valves that reside in the walls can deteriorate and start allowing water out. If you can't see a shower or bathtub leak, don't assume it's not there.

Malfunctioning Shower Pan

The shower pan is your shower's last line of defense. This membrane catches water and directs it to the drain. However, a shower pan leak can start due to poor installation or new cracks. If you plug a shower drain, a damaged shower pan may still allow water to flow out. Fixing this issue can get quite expensive because you may have to redo large portions of your shower or tub.

Keeping your eyes peeled for signs of a shower or bathtub leak may be a good idea. If left unchecked, these water drips can lead to severe amounts of damage to your home. For additional information regarding water damage, contact SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth/ Edgecliff Village at (682) 708-1004 today!

Everything You Need to Know About Flood Damage

1/11/2022 (Permalink)

If there's any good news about flood damage, most people know it could and probably will occur in advance. While flash floods and other water damage from leaks and burst pipes are often unpredictable, flood damage from storms is almost easy to predict. Storm surge, torrential rain, and rising water levels cause massive water damage for those who live along the coast or in other low-lying areas. Flood damage is terrible in every instance, but the good news is many homeowners and business owners have enough time to adequately prepare their home and/or business for the impending water damage as best they can.

When a storm ends, and it's safe to return home or to work, many people are shocked to see how much water in the home or water in the business they find. It seems impossible water levels can rise so high, but it's entirely possible. When floodwater causes the water in a home or water in an office to damage things, it's devastating. Before anyone decides to handle this situation, they must learn how to properly handle this kind of water damage.

Do Not Go Back Without Permission

Anyone who evacuated would like to know how much water is in the property or the kind of water they're dealing with; never return to the property without being notified first that it's safe to return. Flood damage is hazardous, and it's easy to forget it's so much more than just water on the road or in a home. Water in a home is dangerous, water in a business is dangerous, and water is dangerous. Wait for the green light when proper authorities give it. No one ever knows if a power line is down, active, and just waiting in the water to electrocute the next person who walks through.

Beware of the Many Dangers

Before anyone enters a home or office with water damage to begin the water cleanup process, they must know how much danger potentially awaits. The water cleanup process should begin as quickly as possible to prevent more damage from occurring, but it cannot be done until people check for proper dangers. The first is live electricity. Don't assume just because the power is out in a specific neighborhood or city; there's nothing to worry about. The power could come back on at any given moment, which means it could cause serious bodily harm to anyone working out of their home or office. Turn off all electricity before entering any building with standing water.

The second danger is what might be waiting for people in the water. There could be alligators, snakes, dangerous water creatures, or even bacteria or other harmful stuff. Always let the local authorities do a neighborhood sweep before beginning the water cleanup and drying process.

Call the Pros

Finally, anyone can do the most crucial thing when water damage occurs and call a professional restoration and mitigation company to handle the drying process. Restoration companies have powerful equipment designed to allow adequate drying to occur in minimal time. Professional mitigation and restoration are imperative because any missed moisture leads to much larger problems.

It's not uncommon for people to want to begin the water cleanup and drying process independently. Still, it's the help of a professional restoration and mitigation company that provides the best possible results. Restoration is designed to clear out all the water in places others might not realize it's hiding. The more prolonged moisture sits in a home or business, the more dangerous it becomes. It can cause mold to form; it can cause further damage to furniture, flooring, and even walls. Call for professional restoration and mitigation rather than handling the drying process without a pro's help to remove water in a business or home. For additional information, contact SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth/ Edgecliff Village (682) 708-1004.

How to Restore Your Belongings After Water Damage

1/11/2022 (Permalink)

icon of damaged book with text below reading document restoration We are content cleaning experts and are able to restore antiques, documents, and other personal belongings.

Water in home settings can be devastating, whether from leaking pipes or backed-up drains or toilets. While there may be nothing you can do to prevent your items from becoming waterlogged in the event of an unexpected water leak, there are some things you can do to restore your belongings after water damage occurs. Here are a few ways you can clean up various items in your Fort Worth, TX home.

1. Separate Items

Before you officially begin the cleanup process, separate your items into those that are porous and nonporous. Porous materials may include wood, paper, rugs, and other types of fabric. Generally, these are more likely to harbor mold and bacteria from broken pipe water, so it’s essential to clean them quickly. Nonporous items are usually much easier to clean since they don’t absorb water and are less likely to harbor bacteria and mold.

2. Dry-Clean Nonporous Items

Dry cleaning may be appropriate when removing light water residue from nonporous items in your home. Items can also be dry cleaned before floor restoration professionals come in and thoroughly clean your items. 

3. Air-Dry When Appropriate

If you’re not dealing with dangerous water, such as sewage, it may be appropriate to gently air-dry most of your belongings. If possible, do so indoors unless the weather outdoors is ideal. You can increase the airflow inside your home using open windows, air conditioners, and fans. 

4. Toss Dangerous Items

Depending on the nature of floodwater in home settings, it may be dangerous to keep saturated items. If there is a high likelihood of the floodwater containing harmful bacteria, it may be best to throw away contaminated objects. In other cases, professionals may be able to safely clean and salvage some of your valuables. 

While you may be able to clean some of your belongings that water has damaged in your home, safety should always be your top priority, whether you’re dealing with a broken pipe or a sewer backup. It’s best to wait for professional help to arrive for help with dry-cleaning or salvaging contaminated items. 

Call SERVPRO of South Central Fort Worth/ Edgecliff Village (682) 708-10004. for additional information regarding water damage. We can professionally clean and restore the contents of your home. We are experts in water damage restoration and have top-notch equipment to dry out your home and get your life back on track as quickly as possible.